Monday, September 9, 2013

Across the California Delta

 Lauren Korth, C.K. McClatchy High School Class of 2012

The multi talented Lauren Korth just released this video as a sort of love letter to the gorgeous and unique region where she grew up, the California Delta.  Watch and then read on below.

Here's Lauren:
Since I'm moving back to Santa Cruz tomorrow, I wanted to leave a gift for my home. I have been in awe this summer over all the support around the Delta against the tunnels, and I wanted to contribute as well! Thus, I spent a good portion of my summer creating this. I hope you like it, please share with others if you do! (p.s. please let it load to HD if you have the time, then it will be as clear as I could get it)
Also, if you have no flipping idea what the tunnels are or any of this stuff, check out
...and a bit more:

The California Delta is a region in Northern California located between the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento. Currently there are plans under way to create tunnels to other parts of the state that would take monstrous amounts of our Delta water. For detailed information on this issue, and the "Save the Delta, Stop the Tunnels" signs seen in this video, please visit Restore the Delta at

Song: Delta
Artist: C2C

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