Saturday, January 25, 2014

Parents Take Action With Rare Lawsuit Against Cyberbullies

The parents of a 16-year-old student at Klein High School in Texas have decided to take legal action after their daughter was humiliated via Instagram. The Esquivels say that their daughter had been bullied in school for over a year but the abuse went too far when classmates decided to create an Instagram page titled "2014 Klein Hoes." Their daughter, along with many other girls (some of whom were indecently exposed), appeared on the page preceding many rude vulgarities and insulting comments. The situation drove the Esquivels to sue all seven of the responsible teens for libel and their parents for negligence. Klein High School was supportive by moving many of the teens out of victims classes but did nothing about the Instagram page despite being aware of it. A criminal justice professor comments that it is unusual for parents to bring a lawsuit to court over cyber bullying because it is hard to prove its effects. What is more common is for parents to sue the school for neglecting to take action. For the entire story click here.

1 comment:

  1. Cyber bulling is more often these days and should be addressed by the court system. Technology has become part of American society and our everyday lives. Everywhere we look, everything we do, technologhy is there. The average American spends 3 plus hours on technology and social media every day. Due to this fact, children along with teens are in more danger every time we chech Instagram or twitter.
    Bullying along with cyber gangs will expand and be a big part of social media. I believe that along with these problems, authorities will find solutions. In the next decade I also believe mare cases and arrests will be made for cyber crimes. Hopefully our government is ready for the cyber activity flood.
